
The epic Frank Archibong: Leading A Life Of Tremendous Impact

We often think of changing the world as something big that takes big plans, large teams and huge resources. We overestimate the importance of big events and underestimate the value of small actions taken to help others. Some of the greatest catalysts for change in the world took small steps that seemed insignificant at the time, without fanfare, recognition or reward and simply allowed one step to lead to the next, ultimately leading to a great change. Such steps taken to help others, impacting lives and bringing about changes should be ingenious and deliberate beyond what the media makes and paint.

It may seem to be conceited to suppose that you can do anything important towards improving the lot of mankind. But this is a fallacy. You must believe that you can help bring about a better world. A good society is produced only by good individuals, just as truly as a majority in a presidential election is produced by the votes of single electors. Everybody can do something towards creating in his own environment kindly feelings rather than anger, reasonableness rather than hysteria, happiness rather than misery.

The burden of leadership is the daily thoughts about making better the lots of the people and this bears the fruit of goodwill won through little actions which touches mutual essence and results in shaping personality perception. Leaders who made impact did little things and in harmony with reason to meet their kind of person.

On this, some Plato’s contemporaries held an assumption that, “living a good life is just a matter of performing certain actions, regardless of the sort of person you are and the spirit in which you perform those actions”. While Plato moved his audience to an understanding that a good life consists in being a certain sort of person rather than merely doing certain sorts of action. From an act-centered morality to an agent-centered morality.

The gem, Frank Archibong is not only a leader with act-centered burden of thought but also an agent-centered leader who is making impact in all spheres of influence. He manifest the combination of Plato’s contemporaries and Plato’s thought.

Beyond what the media makes of him, he is an agent of positive change, he exudes confidence, humility, faith in his course, respect, generous, kind, supportive (in areas of health, education and welfare, oh! you can name them) loving and unterritorially goodwilling. A document of his philanthropic gestures will amount to self-scores and egoistic praises. It is modest and decent to keep a random act of unrecorded act of kindness

Assertions on his proficiency, i.e, handling responsibilities to achieve the desired results, trails from Law Reform Commissions, to Transition Secretary and favoured by God to take over as Transition Chairman, Eket Local Government, grace found him to be elected as the Executive Chairman, Eket Local Government, ALGON Chairman and the uplifted appointment to head the Ministry of Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs where the Local system of traditional stool feels the impetus of rising to the needs of time and acting accordingly. Peace in the society is an offshoot of the peace in the local institutions. Without proper coordination, incentives, spiral interactions and motivations; an organizational strategy, the larger society gets the consequential failure rooted in the local institutions.

His actions and personality are consummate and to the endearment of the good people of Akwa Ibom State. He is majestically humble, respectful, confident, peaceful, trustworthy and devoted to his endeavour. He is still on the ladder of great fortune of a luminous future.

A strategic partner in the Succession Plan and the Monetary Record Keeper of the Maintain Peace Movement, whose tasks of meticulousness and diligence is organic to the success of the entire team and its course. As it certain that no one will live an accused-free life, so it is personal to live a life one can vouched you are blameless. Sincerity and trust; our records, as are boldly written on the sands of our past, we are either known for being sincere, trustworthy or we are borne of treachery and double-crossing. Proudly, there’s no record or doubts about the person of Frank Archibong over his tendencies to fail, double-cross and veer. And in this course of building an egalitarian society, building a peaceful environment where our creative thoughts can thrive, our aspirations reached, he is not passive or treating in levity the course and purpose of the Succession Plan. A Leaders heart stretches into the future, how well and peaceful it will be.

It is impossible to be loved by all, if this happens, you’re in danger, but wielding the influence of peace, stability and goodwill in the environment is phenomenal. You can’t win peace and followers’ goodwill if the assertions of your personality and actions are largely in doubt within your immediate environment. Let us not forget the fact that haters borne of prejudice and envy can come even from your house.

Frank Archibong, a builder of consensus not a searcher of consensus – His impacts has kept his people one, but even as Christ prayed, “father that they may be one”, yet some have fallen astray, so are the ingrates who have fallen to different doctrines. He leads from the front and builds a canvas of youths across border.

The Honourable Commissioner, Ministry of Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, Hon. Frank Archibong, a figure to be celebrated, encouraged, protected, SUPPORTED and APPRECIATED. He is of ideal and consummate essence to the community and humanity. Bravo

©Joseph Ekong

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