

By Edition, Wednesday August 16, 2023. Like, share the link.

The Akwa Ibom State governor, H.E. Pastor Umo Eno, on Monday 15th August, 2023 had an interactive session with the directorate staff of the Federal Civil Service at the Akwa Ibom Liaison Office, Constitution Avenue, Abuja. The meeting which was described as unprecedented and uncommon by the Federal Permanent Secretary, Mr. Okokon Ekanem in his opening speech, was part of the governor’s ARISE agenda aimed at reaching out to all privileged stakeholders for the benefit of entire Akwa Ibom.

Among those who spoke at the event were the Hon. Federal Commissioners, Obong Simon Etim, Chief(Engr) Benedict Ukpong, FNSE, the immediate past president and the president of the Community, Dr. Etim Tommy, Barr. Aniefiok Ibah, Patron Ani Umoessien and Dr. Ime Imoh of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture. They all congratulated the governor on his success at the pool and took time to reel out areas where partnership were needed for the State to reap effectively from the federal government programmes and projects through the Federal Civil servants and the Akwa Ibom Community, Abuja.


The governor in his response, appreciated all the directorate staff and stakeholders in attendance and assured them of his readiness to partner with them for the benefit of a greater Akwa Ibom. He promised to appoint a permanent secretary for the liaison office in Abuja who would, beyond the liaison officer, become a bridge between the State and Akwa Ibom people in Abuja.

He appreciated the Federal Commissioners in attendance and described their presence as a moral and confidence booster to him and his government. He preached unity across party-lines and urged all Federal government appointees to use their positions for the betterment of our dear State.

The Governor made a strong case for the forth coming general Census and assured the Hon. Federal Commissioner, Chief(Engr.) Benedict Ukpong, that his government shall do all in her power to support Census activities and more so, directed the Secretary to the State Government, Hon Prince Uwa, to ensure that the forth coming Census is given a top priority by working closely with the Hon. Federal Commissioner.

He assured the Akwa Ibom Community, Abuja through the president that the next phase of the meeting will be with Community to enable him meet with all the Akwa Ibom people in Abuja and more so, that his government will partner with the Community in bridging housing gaps for the Akwa Ibom people living and working in Abuja.

The Community through Pastor Etoabasi also used the event to canvass for membership by way of informing the directorate staff of the Federal Civil Service in Abuja about the activities of the Community and urged them to make out time to join their kit and kin for the greater Akwa Ibom.

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