Nigerian News

I Want To See A Better Nigeria Before I Die — Cardinal Onaiyekan. The cleric said the incoming administration must focus on education, security, power, economy, amongst other challenging sectors.

The Evangelist News Edition, May 5, 2023. By Admin

Archbishop Emeritus of Abuja Catholic Archdiocese, John Cardinal Onaiyekan has said that his hopes are high to see the nation progress from its present state to where it ought to be.

“I am 80 so I am not going anywhere. I am still dreaming that before I go to paradise, I should see a better Nigeria and I believe it is possible,” Onaiyekan said on Channels Television’s Sunrise Daily on Thursday.

The cleric, who faulted the country’s electoral system, said, “The whole system of our election needs to be properly reviewed so that winners would emerge according to the will of the people.”

He lamented that despite Nigeria’s attainment of independence and promises of democracy, the country’s progress is still stagnant.

“In university, I believed what we were told, that with independence, Nigeria would become like all the great nations. I have been waiting for almost 70 years now and we are still where we are. In fact, we seem not to have made much progress.

“Maybe I am expecting too much from my country but that is because I have a high opinion of my nation and I love my nation and I would expect that those who are ruling us should share the same emotions so that we can go all over the world proud,” he said.

According to him, we should have rulers who do not labour under questions of legitimacy but well-proven democracy.

“It is no longer business as usual, we must go back to ourselves as a nation. If we decide we would rule ourselves democratically, we must all accept the rules of democracy. And those who want to be in power should allow that rule to run its course. This anomalous situation should end,” he said.

Sets Agenda For Tinubu
The Cardinal is hoping that the next government of the President-Elect, Bola Tinubu strives to bring change that will stop young people from leaving the country. He also said he is looking forward to what the agenda of the next government will be.

“Only those Nigeria who doesn’t want to be sincere would be looking for agenda. We are still in the same situation, any government must face those issues otherwise we can’t survive in the country. Many young boys who have energy and Nigerians are checking out of the country.

“As far as the agenda for the new government is concerned, all of us now would be watching. Is there going to be a change? Is there going to be an improvement? Will insecurity be reduced? Will schools run? Will electricity run? Will our economy improve?” he asked. (Channel TV).

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