
Eseme Eyiboh: Leading the rebirth in Eket Federal Constituency


By Ani Michael

The Eket/Onna/Esit Eket/Ibeno Federal Constituency, also known as Eket Federal Constituency is one of the outstanding and important federal constituencies not only in the South South region but in the entire country because of her strategic import. This federal constituency is blessed and endowed with abundant natural resources that are driving the economy of Nigeria, and is also blessed with prominent and gifted personalities with records of sterling contributions to the development and advancement of Nigeria in different sectors and era.

Thus, the quality, content and capacity of any aspirant with interest to represent this very important federal constituency needs to be weighed and properly evaluated using different indices and unbiased methodologies to ensure the very best emerges as the representative of this “goose that lays the golden eggs”.

The National Assembly is not an all comers’ chambers nor a comedy theatre but where issues affecting the workability of the nation are articulated. In my opinion, going by all confirmed indicators, both chambers of the National Assembly with the support of the executive, shall undergo processes of national healing, restructuring, reconstruction and social integration for the unification of different tongues, tribes, religions and ethnic nationalities in the country.

An individual Eket federal constituency needs to put forward to represent her must be vibrant, intelligent, well connected, vocal and with intellectual stability to participate in all these processes.

Eseme Eyiboh, a trusted hand, from Akpautong village in Esit Eket LGA fits into this narratives and with all the requisite credentials in the legislative affairs and possesses the needed tools for national cohesion and integration.

Eyiboh, apart from being proactive, knows the challenges of the federal constituency and by extension, that of Nigeria. He is an asset, not a stranger in Nigeria’s project and belongs to the class of the very best. Over the years, he has quietly and singlehandedly ensured the employment, mental uplift and empowerment of many persons in the federal constituency and beyond. The beneficiaries of his works of charity are in different political parties in Nigeria. This grey hair gentleman, believes in long-term empowerment and wealth creation through harnessing of potentials for optimal productivity for self recovery and actualization.

As the processes leading to the 2023 elections gather momentum, constituents of Eket Federal Constituency should as a matter of deep concern and consideration for the advancement of the federal constituency need to send Rt. Hon. Eseme Eyiboh to the House of Representatives. Sentiment, be it political, should be downplay for the growth and well-being of the federal constituency and her constituents.

Rt.Hon. Eseme Eyiboh, a man with content, capacity and experience is the only choice good enough to represent Eket/Onna/Esit Eket/Ibeno Federal Constituency in 2023 and to lead the federal constituency in the expected social and economic rebirth.

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