Nigerian NewsPolitics

Senate President, Godswill Akpabio Denies Impeachment Report

By edition, Sunday September 17, 2023. Admin.

Senate President, Godswill Akpabio, has refuted claims that there are plans to remove him from his position as the presiding officer of the 10th Senate. Akpabio dismissed the reports as malicious and untrue, stating that the Senate under his leadership is stable and harmonious. He further emphasized that the Senate cannot be distracted by “the innuendo of the merchants of political tar brush by what appears to be a syndicated media attack from outside the precincts of the National Assembly.”

Media reports had suggested that there were ongoing discussions among senators, including prominent ones from the North West, to unseat Akpabio when the Senate reconvenes on September 26, 2023. The reports also alleged that some senators believed Akpabio to be a rubber stamp for the presidency and questioned his ability to carry out his duties effectively.

In response, Akpabio, through his Special Adviser (Media and Publicity), Hon Eseme Eyiboh, dismissed the reports as mere imaginations and potentially malicious. Eyiboh emphasized that the Senate has moved past the intense leadership election and that attempts to involve senators who initially did not support the current leadership in a non-existent conspiracy are uncharitable and unnecessary.

Eyiboh clarified that senators are currently on holiday, taking time to refresh themselves before the resumption of Senate activities. He urged the media not to entertain or propagate conspiratorial tales that could damage the reputations of senators and undermine the integrity of their work.

The statement from Akpabio’s office aims to quell the rumors and ensure that the focus remains on the Senate’s important legislative work.

“All senators are also refreshing themselves ahead of the resumption, therefore, any suggestions that they are presently engaged in other subversive plots against the institution is rather uncharitable. It is mostly uncharitable for those senators who initially did not support the emergence of the leadership but who have all unanimously endorsed the Senator Akpabio-led leadership. Continuing to link these senators with needless conspiracy with barely disguised innuendo is rather unkind.

“We call on the media not to give in to the conspiratorial tales, and not to give damage to the reputations that they have built over time,” Eyiboh added.

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