

The Evangelist News Edition, Monday August 21, 2023. By Mary Emmanuel

The Apostolic Church Uyo Field’s Sunday School movement has successfully graduated 321 teachers from the theological courses of Basic Program One and Basic Program Two in the Biblical academic curriculum.

Yesterday’s epochal event, during the grand finale of the Maiden Sunday School Rally organized by the Sunday School movement, took place at The Apostolic Church Field Headquarters, 61 Obio Imo Street, Uyo. The theme, “Hidden Treasures,” extracted from Proverbs 2:4, was the focus of the rally.

The program included a parade/march pass by learners and teachers, the official presentation of the graduates to Field Superintendent Apostle I.N George.


The event also featured performances by the learners, including an Efik recitation from Psalm 119:1-176, Ibibio broadcasting (“Ekom ukang nnyin”), award presentations, and prizes for the winners of competitions held as part of the maiden rally.

In his address, Uyo Field Superintendent Apostle Professor I.N George acknowledged the timeliness of the rally’s theme. He emphasized that the theme aimed to awaken awareness of the special talents bestowed by God on both children and adults. These talents should be explored for the benefit of God’s kingdom and individual growth, as well as for the betterment of society.

He stated, “The theme ‘Hidden Treasures,’ extracted from Proverbs 2:4, is highly relevant, as it aims to rekindle awareness of the remarkable gifts deposited within individuals. These gifts should be explored not only for personal benefit but also to contribute to the betterment of society.”

The clergy pointed out that the Sunday School movement is a crucial platform for nurturing the younger generation in their faith. He referenced Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it,” as well as the instruction in 2 Timothy 2:15, “Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed.” He emphasized that a child realizing their potential and acknowledging their uniqueness is essential.

Apostle George, represented by his deputy, Apostle E.E. Duke, expressed gratitude to the leaders of the Sunday School movement for organizing the rally, which encompasses both the church’s future in its children and the adults seeking to be better equipped for kingdom service. He commended the movement’s achievements, including teacher training, expanded curriculum coverage, and conferences, and expressed optimism for the future of the Sunday School movement.

He congratulated the Major Centers for their dedicated efforts in supporting their participants throughout the competition stages. He also appreciated the teachers for their commitment to the movement’s growth and the grauduands (graduates) and contestants for bringing pride to the church.

The clergy assured that the Annual Sunday School Rally is here to stay, and under his leadership, the Church Council would strive to enhance the event in the years to come.

In another address, the Field Sunday School leader, Apostle Dr. I.B. Otuekong, extended gratitude to God and thanked Field Superintendent Apostle I.N George, whose role as the National Sunday School leader contributed to the rally’s success.

The clergy encouraged all teachers and learners to make the most of the hidden treasures unveiled during the rally to navigate towards new dimensions. He emphasized that Sunday School is no longer limited to children but caters to all ages. He also appealed for sponsorships from various Major Centers to support the contestants.

Notable attendees included the Deputy Field Superintendent, Apostle E.E. Duke, Apostle G.E. Akpan, Uyo Field Secretary, Apostle S.O. Okpo, Assistant Field Secretary, Sunday School Management Committee, Teachers, Special Awardees, and other invited guests. Prizes awarded to contestants included trophies for the top three winners, medals, Revised Standard Version Bibles, certificates, customized exercise books, and donations from individuals.

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