
PRELATE MBANG’S BURIAL GATHERS MOMENTUM, As Ekid Nation Formally Receives Notification Of Death.

By Assam Abia.

Ekid People’s Union (EPU) in consultation with relevant institutions will soon inaugurate the Central Planning Committee to drive the obsequies of late Prelate Emiritus, Dr Sunday Coffie Mbang.

In a release signed by its National President General, Dr Samuel Udonsak and National Secretary General, Hon (Barr) Bassey Dan Abia, the Apex body of Ekid Nation revealed that “His Majesty, Edidem ECD Abia, the Paramount Ruler of Eket and Grand Patron of Ekid People’s Union (EPU) has formally received the notification of the death of His Eminence Prelate Coffie Mbang and has formally informed Ekid People’s Union (EPU)”.

Late Prelate Sunday Mbang was a very distinguished and revered son of Ekid Nation. It traditionally falls on the shoulders of EPU to drive his obsequies in collaboration with relevant institutions like government and Christiandom.

“On behalf of Ekid people, its Leadership and the Union, we express our deep grief and sadness at this lose that is irreparable as it is irreplaceable”, the release stated.

The Union believes that “even at this moment of the Prelate’s peaceful passing, we must lift our spirits high as we bask in joy and pride at the memories of him that we will cherish”. Memories of the several years of his unbroken, diligent and faithful service, in various capacities; to the family, Community, the Church, the Nation and the world at large.

“For in the true steps of Christ and his calling, a worthy Lamb, the Prelate proceced with selfless and sacrificial poise, to labour relentlessly, in God’s vineyard in order to perfect the spiritual frailties of man and reconcile him to God”,

“It is our prayer that the family and Community, would receive God’s strength and fortitude, and even in this passing, the church would receive the enablement of the Holy Spirit to continue the advancement of God’s work on earth”, the release stated.

EPU revealed further that Ekid Nation and its good people, will celebrate the life and good times of Prelate Mbang who was a worthy and legendary son, whose leading light, dotted the firmament.

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