Nigerian News

Police foil bank robbery in Calabar

The Evangelist
December 25, 2022

The Cross River state police Command on Saturday foiled a bank robbery while smashing a 9-man armed robbery gang terrorising residents of some areas in Calabar, the state capital.

Vanguard gathered the suspected bank robbery syndicate has been carrying out their nefarious operations around EPZ, Harbor road, Ikot Ansa as well as Esuk Utan.

A security source who didn’t want his name in print said the suspects infiltrated an old-generation bank ( name withheld) with the intent of carrying out a robbery.

“Based on credible intelligence the Suppl in charge of EPZ ( Export Processing Zone) mobilized a tactical team and stormed the bank apprehending four out of the nine suspects.

“They include Josh Samu 22 Innocent Edu 20, Sam Okon, 28, and Mohammedu Salis 29, these were the ones who were carrying out espionage ( surveillance) for the remaining five armed men outside waiting to strike.

“During the preliminary inquiry, the suspects confessed to having been on an espionage mission with the intent to alert other gang members on when to strike and rob the bank.

“We are definitely going to get the remaining members of the group because they have been terrorising residents of the metropolis, especially Ikot Ansa and Esuk Mba communities all in Calabar Municipality LGA of Cross River state.

Confirming the incident , the Commissioner of Police, CP Sule Balarabe said, “yes, we have them in our custody and we will go even deeper till we get others who are involved, we are leaving no stone unturned”.

CP Balabare further warned criminals who were bent on causing havoc to either leave town or stay law-abiding, or else they would be ruthlessly dealt with.

” All the commanders of our tactical teams, DPOs are on red alert to deal decisively with criminal elements in any part of the state, within the ambit of the law and in the most professional manner.

“My officers and men have stepped up policing holistically across the length and breadth of the state.

“In achieving this task, the command has carried out massive deployment of personnel and tools in critical infrastructures recreational centers and directed aggressive vehicular/foot patrols before, curing and after the festive season,” he said. (VANGUARD)

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