Nigerian News

How a Professor was married to dead mistress – Olukoya

December 18, 2022

A Nigerian University Professor is said to have been mysteriously married and wedded to the corpse of his late mistress, Dr Daniel Olukoya, the General Overseer of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, narrated.

Preaching on the topic: The Ministry of Jinxes during special Manna Water programme in Lagos on Wednesday, December 7, Olukoya said in 1995, a professor came to him for counselling on marriage.

Sharing the message on the mystery and effects of jinxes in the life of people in a telecast monitored in Uyo, the clergyman said the professor confided in him that he would love to take another wife.

Also read: Guard Against 12 Cages That Can Ruin Your Destiny- Dr. Olukoya Tells Youths.

‘‘In my curiosity, I asked the professor about his first wife and he answered that she was not fashionable, and that he wanted a fashionable woman who is in line with the current trends of nowadays – feminine glamour,’’ he recalled.

The General Overseer said ‘‘I advised him against such a move in that it is not right. The professor refused my advice, but went ahead and got another woman.

‘‘The man and the parents-in-law fixed a date for the marriage and wedding. Unfortunately, before the fixed date, the woman died. On the day of her interment, the professor went with some sympathisers to the cemetery.’’

According to him, ‘‘But, he noticed that, instead of the coffin being shut, it was open throughout the service. As the priest who was in charge of the funeral service continued in his service, he also noticed that, instead of preaching funeral messages, he was officiating the solemnization of marriage.’’

He continued ‘‘Suddenly, the priest announced at the burial service that before the coffin would be lowered into the grave, they would have to perform the exchange of vows between the professor and the dead mistress. Mysteriously, the conjugal vows were exchanged, and the rings were also exchanged.

‘‘Since the late mistress could not take her vows of being dead, the officiating minister represented her and said all the words that the bride should have said.

‘‘The mysterious part was that the professor did not object to everything being done at the burial ground. Despite that, he was being married to a corpse, which is abominable. Days after the burial, problems started.

‘‘The professor started to see the ghost of his late mistress everywhere he went- be it when he was lecturing in the classroom or when he was driving. There she was, waiting for him. It got to the height of it and he started to cry whenever he saw her. Since people around could not see anyone, except him, he was taken as mad person. Thus, he was transferred to the Psychiatric Hospital.’’

The clergyman said ‘‘The professor came back to see me for counseling, regretting of the decision that he had been warned against.

‘‘I advised that he should first confess his mistake to his wife. He refused in that his wife must not hear anything about the issue. His misbehaviour was heightened after he was injected with some injections at the psychiatric hospital, hence the issue worsened.

‘‘Instead of one person, he started seeing seven persons in the form of his late mistress. It was at this stage that he ran back to me. His case did not subside until he had undergone 21 days of dry fasting and deliverance,’’ the man of God pointed out.

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