
2023: Udom’s Succession Is ln God’s Hand ___Apostle Okoriko …Calls For Intense Prayer For A Peaceful Election

The Evangelist edition,
October 18, 2022
By Tony Ukpong

Founder and Senior Pastor of the Solid Rock Kingdom Church, Apostle John Okoriko, has declared that, who ever will succeed Governor Udom Emmanuel in 2023 is entirely God’s prerogative,devoid of anyone’s wisdom.

The Cleric, who handed down prophetic advice in a telephone interview over the weekend, warned that, in God’s arrangements right from time immemorial, surprises must be expected as His
ways are different from the ways of men,who are merely his subjects.

Pastor Okoriko, reputed for his unique sermonization and preaching style, disclosed that ‘what is currently and most importantly, expected of AkwaIbomites and their residents alike, is ‘constant prayers’ and not unnecessary and uncivilized thoughts and actions,which are capable of stoking crises and stir up avoidable bloodshed amongst the people.

The man of God reasoned that,as the undisputed Creator of the entire universe, it is only God who knows who will make a good leader in Nigeria, nay, Akwa Ibom state, warning that, bloodshed, names calling, political bigotry and hatred of all sorts are not necessary as the onus lies with God at the end.

Okoriko, himself a recent victim of kidnapping in the state, appealed to the youths to shun all vices that can spell doom in their lives,as no amount of interests and pressures from any quarter, will guide or direct the action of God on this over heated issue, which is unnecessarily overheating the already heightened political landscape of the state and beyond.

Senior Pastor Okoriko admonished Christians to put the exemplary life style of King Jesus Christ above every other consideration, bearing in mind that, God only gives power to whoever he likes, at every given point in time.

“My humble appeal on this sensitive matter, is that, everybody should await God’s decision on the issue of
succession, for the decision of God Almighty will determine, who that person will be, anyone who boasts otherwise, is a product of the world”, he lamented.

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