Nigerian News

Converting Uyo people’s property for selfish usage is theft, fraud and scam – Rev Richard Peters tells OBA

On Saturday 29th January, 2022, the people of Uyo senatorial district and by extension the Akwa Ibom people were invited to witness the commissioning of a recreational center at Ifa Ikot Akpan. The complex, which has a football field and basketball pitch and lawn tennis court and a 1,500 capacity event centre, including Information and Communication Technology ICT hub, was expected to serve as a Community and Youth Development Centre. It was a constituency project believed to be meant for the people of Uyo senatorial district.

But today, that facility has been turned into a private property and YPP campaign grounds, with access only limited to YPP members which we know are few in number. This is the worst form of deception in recent times. It is on this note that this open letter is conceived to seek explanations if the Senator is all out for deceit.

Already, a case bordering on fraudulent practices against him is still in the Federal High Court, Uyo and instead of Bassey Albert to give the people reasons to believe in him, he is showing more signs of an intention to pocket the people. This character of hoaxing the people at any given opportunity smacks of dishonesty and a sign of inept leadership.

The question on the lips of the people of Uyo senatorial district is: Yes yes why did you make us believe that the facility was for us, when in your character you hardly keep your words? Again, why did you invite respectable leaders including the Senate president, Ahmad Lawan, Gov. Udom Emmanuel and the Peoples Democratic Party family to an event you claimed was for the people but now limit access to only YPP members, whose population is highly insignificant in the district? How do you want the people to see you now that you gave a facility with your right hand and surreptitiously took it with your left?

This is not a good sign at all as everyone feels betrayed and an expensive game on the intelligence of the people.

To some who know you personally,it is not a surprise, but the pain is that you turned a facility you built with public funds into your personal property in the twinkling of an eye, just 5 months after you handed the project to the people. This is fraud.

I therefore ask you to openly apologise to the people you invited to the commissioning of the project and the entire people of Uyo Senatorial District. Tell me why I should not approach the Court of law to seek redress over this rascal and gross abuse of people’s trust?

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