

The Evangelist News Edition, Wednesday June 28, 2023 . By Mfonobong Ukpong

The Etukudo Umoudi family of Ntaisip, Ikot Ibiok village in Eket local government area of Akwa Ibom State, have described the late Dr. Sunday Mbang (CON), former Prelate of the Methodist Church, Nigeria who passed on recently at the age of 86, as a disciplinarian of first order, a diligent, thorough and painstaking gentleman, who always insisted that no matter whose ox was gored, things must be done properly and in the right way.


In a message of condolence delivered, Tuesday by in-laws to the deceased during a visit, the leader of the delegation, Rt. Hon. Chief Nduese Essien who is a former Minister of the federation, said the in-laws are greatly saddened by the transition of the foremost Nigerian cleric, in-law and beloved father, Late Dr. Sunday Mbang after an impacful earthly ministry for 44 years in the vineyard of the Lord.

While commiserating with the children on the exit of their father, Chief Essien prayed God to strengthen and comfort them at this period of grief.

In his words; “It is indeed painful to lose a father with such pedigree, however we beseech you to be grateful to the almighty God for granting him an active life of worthy service to God and mankind, while he was on this planet earth”.


“Firstly, we are here as in-laws of the late Prelate. Of course you all know he(Late Prelate Mbang) married our daughter. The Prelate’s family and Dr. Esenowo, we grew up together.

“The Prelate’s father was a renowned preacher in the Qua Iboe Church, my father Pastor Johnny Essien Etukudo and Pastor Esenowo where all early pastors of the Qua Iboe Church and we the children were friends even before Dr Mbang married our daughter.”


Chief Essien, a former member of the National Assembly, said the late Mbang was a highly respected Ekid son who was held in high esteem, noting that they were proud to be associated with his achievements, and also prayed God to fill the vacuum his exit has created in the family and grant his soul eternal rest.

He charged children to keep their late father’s legacies alive.

In his response, one of children, Mr. Ini Mbang, thanked the Mum’s family members for being the first to open the mourning house with their condolence visit, describing the visit as comforting.

He thanked them for standing with the family at their moment of grief.

“I want to welcome my Uncles and Aunties. You are the first to open the door for condolence visits”.

Bishop Coco Bassey of the Methodist Church and other clerics of the church were on hand to join the bereaved in welcoming the in-laws on the condolence visit.

Among members of the in-laws family who accompanied the former Minister of Lands and Housing to the Shelter Afrique residence of the departed former President of Christisn Association of Nigeria, CAN, where the Village Head of Ntaisip, Chief Stephen Etukudo, Village Head of Asang/Clan Head Elect of Ekid Offiong, Chief Essien Akpanete, former MD of Cross River Basin Development Authorities, Barr. Essien Essien, Dr. Joe Essien, Chairman of the Eket Industrial Labour Committee, Mr Etukudo Ekefre, Mr Bassey David Etukudo, newly appointed Senior Special Assistant to Akwa Ibom State Governor on Research and Documentation,Mr. Essien Ndueso, Elder Etukudo Essien, Essentia Essien and a host of others.

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