
One Killed As Hoodlums Burn Ebonyi APC Chairman’s House

The Evangelist
December 27, 2022

Ekoli-Edda in Afikpo South Local Government Area of Ebonyi State is currently in turmoil following the killing of one Eseni Egwu, a 39-year-old man in the area.

This is even as the house of the State Chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Chief Stanley Okoro-Emegha who hails from the area, was attacked and set ablaze by the irate youths for the community.

The death of the deceased was sequel to a clash that ensued between members of the Ebebeagu Security Outfit and the youths in the area on Monday, December 26, 2022, by 6 pm.

The Ebebeagu operatives were said to have arrived at the market square in the area in the company of Mr Okoro-Emegha, patrolled and shot sporadically into the air and left.

The development, the source further noted, attracted youths of the community, who in liaison with some elders announced that natives should go into their homes for safety, while they mobilized against any unforeseen attacks on the community.

Thereafter, the security operatives allegedly reinforced and stationed at Ogwuma, a hamlet close to Ekoli Edda Community in the council area and engaged the irate youths of the community who was allegedly ready for a showdown.

Egwu’s eventual death occurred when the youths engaged the security operatives.

A few hours after the clash, the Youths burnt the country home of the APC Chairman in the state, Okoro-Emegha, at about 10:18 pm.

Investigations revealed that Okoro-Emegha, on Sunday, kicked against the election of a youth group in the community that saw the emergence of persons loyal to the immediate past Chairman of the Afikpo South LGA, Eni Chima, as principal officers.

The APC boss, according to the source, had allegedly expressed displeasure over the election and reportedly drew the attention of the council area Chairman, Chima Ekumankama, who allegedly nullified the election and disbanded the officers elected.

But confirming the incident, the APC chairman, Okoro-Emegha, said he was attacked by thugs loyal to a politician in the area, saying his house had equally been burnt by the miscreants.

He said: “Yes. It’s true. They attacked me tonight at Ekoli Edda community, and the same people, some of whom I know, I have just heard, burnt my house.

“These are Eni’s boys; they attacked me and they are the people that burnt my house. I call on the police and other security agencies to swing into action. They know what to do to unravel the truth of the matter. They know what to do.”

Narrating his ordeal, the elder brother of the dead victim, Mission Egwu, lamented that his sibling’s killing was senseless and premeditated, adding that the community had been lockdown as a consequence of the crisis in the area.

He said, “What happened in Ekoli Edda today is an unfortunate and senseless killing. It is unfortunate in the sense that the life of a vibrant young man in active community service has been cut short. It is senseless that there was no provocation for his killing.

Calls and messages made and sent to the Ebonyi State Police Command were neither picked nor responded to, as of the time of filing this report, though it was gathered that policemen and military men had taken over the community to halt the further breakdown of law and order.

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