
UK leadership trainer Young lauds birthday programme of MOI&S


A United Kingdom, UK- based trainer on Leadership, Diana Young, has lauded the birthday celebration programme of the Akwa Ibom State Ministry of Information and Strategy, saying that, it is one approach a good leader should employ to connect with his team.

The Leadership Trainer gave the commendation Tuesday, while gathering inputs and interacting with the contingent from Akwa Ibom State Government to the London School of Public Relations at Kensington, London in the United Kingdom.

Diana Young who was taking on s discourse on “Executive Leadership, Presentation and Pitching Skills” noted that, a good leader is one who is able to connect with his team with the right approach and showing warmth in different ways to make the team members feel smart, such as celebrating their birthdays.


She therefore commended the leadership of Akwa Ibom State Ministry of Information and Strategy for employing the birthday approach in reaching the staff and other stakeholders to give them hope and make them feel connected to the collective desire of achieving the common goal of the Ministry.

Disclosing that, this was the first time an organization which she works with cane out with such a laudable initiative, Young implored other establishments to consider the birthday initiative as a commendable Leadership approach that will enhance a connect between the leaders and the target audience for attainment of a common goal.

Diana Young listed other approaches to good leadership to include; ability to motivate and persuade team members, ability to provide hope and direction, ability to provide purpose and goal as well as ability to reduce the cost of ambiguities and misunderstanding of vision, mission and objectives, among others.


She listed the different types of leadership style to include: autocratic, Democratic, Laissez-faire and transformational Leadership styles, reiterating that, a good leader should adopt a mixed approach which vary depending on environment and personalities.

The Trainer submitted that, good leadership entails the ability to be flexible in approach enough to connect with all team members at their various levels and psychological disposition for a result-oriented goal and maximum productivity.

In his contribution, the team leader of the Akwa Ibom State contingent and Permanent Secretary Ministry of Information and Strategy, Akparawa James Edet has said, although the Ministry organizes birthdays for staff and allows for socialization, yet there is adherence to strict vertical line of communication which ensures discipline, direction and effective coordination of assigned responsibilities.


Akparawa James Edet who upheld the transformational leadership style where staff welfare and inputs are taken into consideration in the policy formulations of the organisation but warned that, disciplinary actions will however not be bent when erring staff go against the organisation’s overall goal and objectives.

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