Foreign News

Five Police Officers Sacked For Having S3x On Duty With Female Officer In The US

The Evangelist
January 10, 2023

Four American police officers have confessed to sleeping with a female police officer on duty.

The four cops from the Nashville suburb of La Vergne have been fired for allegedly engaging in the unprofessional act.

The female police officer has also been fired.

Patrol officer Maegan Hall of La Vergne Police Department is at the forefront of the investigation after it was revealed in December that she ‘engaged in a s3xual relationship’ with at least four male officers.

Fellow patrol officers Juan Lugo-Perez, Lewis Powell, detective Seneca Shields, and Sgt. Henry Ty McGowan admitted to the accusations, according to the report, with Shields claiming he had oral s3x with Hall in the department’s gym while on duty.

Hall, who is married, is also accused of revealing her breast while at a steamy ‘family’ Memorial Day boat party with patrol officer Patrick Magliocco, who was suspended, and fellow officers David Durham and Eric Staats.

‘Magliocco said that Staats, himself, Durham and Hall were in the hot tub when Hall’s top came off’ before the two went off to have s3x in the bathroom, the report reads.

K-9 officer Larry Holladay and patrol officer Gavin Schoeberl were also suspended and charged with s3xual harassment after exchanging s3xual images with Hall.

The hot tub party, also attended by several of the male officers’ wives, was hosted on Staats’ boat where Magliocco was seen pouring vodka down Hall’s throat moments before she took off her top.

The report reads that ‘Hall’s top came off and Staats helped put it back on because “he was trying to protect her.”

Hall then pulled Magliocco into the restroom and asked if he ‘wanted to f‘ and then later gave him oral s3x when they got off the boat. Hall was open about her relationships with the other officers and once bragged to Magliocco about Officer Powell’s d after performing oral s3x on him while on duty, according to the report.

Durham and Staats claim they didn’t have an inappropriate relationship with Hall.

Powell, who is married, initially denied having a s3xual relationship with Hall several times and claimed that ‘everybody knows she has multiple partners.’ He later confessed.

Magilocco told investigators on December 13 that he and his wife had been in an open relationship with Hall since spring 2022.

He revealed that one day Hall’s husband walked in on her and his wife and wasn’t on board with the open relationship.

‘At one party, Hall and Magliocco’s wife started kissing and Hall’s husband came in the room and seemed upset,’ the report reads.

Hall appeared to keep her s3xual relationships a secret from her husband and asked other officers to borrow money to book hotels.

Magilocco told investigators that he was concerned for Hall’s mental health since she became heavily intoxicated at his house party in early December and drove home ‘drunk.’

‘Hall voiced “harmful thoughts” and on multiple occasions said that she should not be alone,’ the report reads.

Magilocco reported his concerns to the department on December 8.

Hall told Officer Holladay, who was suspended for sending explicit images, that she had ‘bad days.’

Holladay told investigators that he once invited Hall and other officers to his home to watch football and there was ‘heavy drinking.’

‘Holladay reported that there was talk of a threesome with him, Hall, and Holladay’s ex,’ the report heads. ‘Holladay reported nothing happened at the party.’

The officer admitted to having a s3xual relationship with Hall and meeting her in hotel rooms for s3x. Their last encounter was in mid-November.

Before Hall was officially hired on the force, she had met up at Officer McGowan’s house with her husband and another female.

At the time, Hall was a candidate and had taken her clothes off along with the other female.

‘Hall’s husband got upset,’ the report reads. ‘During that visit, McGowan admitted to taking out his penis with Hall in the room and taking a photo of it. He sent that photo to Hall.’

McGowan denied having s3x with Hall but revealed explicit photos and videos he received from her.

Another employee revealed McGowan approached her while on duty and choked her.

He was terminated amid the s3xual engagement and workplace violence allegations.

Hall initially denied having a s3xual relationship with all the men except for Holladay, which she insisted was only at his house or in hotels.

But she admitted to ‘sending nude images to other officers on shift including Holladay, Magliocco, and Officer Schoeberl.’

She later backtracked and confessed about Magliocco but denied being involved with his wife.

‘Magliocco had discussed having a threesome with Magliocco’s wife; however, nothing ever happened on that topic,’ the report reads.

Hall also confirmed that she had s3xual relations with Lugo-Perez and Powell.

Lugo-Perez initially denied the claims to investigators but later admitted he had s3x with Hall while at the Go Cart USA in Murfreesboro. He also confessed to sending and receiving nude images with Hall.

Hall confessed to an ongoing relationship with McGowan despite his pushback and denial.

‘Hall confirmed she had sex twice with McGowan, most recently on [December 4] at his house in La Vergne,’ the report reads. ‘Hall [said] that she and McGowan had been “close forever and one time he told her to ‘use me’ if she ever wanted to have sex.” Hall confirmed she and McGowan would send nudes back and forth.’

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