Foreign News

Russia plans to disrupt Western arms supplies to Ukraine: Lavrov

…Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said ‘railway lines, bridges and tunnels’ considered targets in stopping arms shipments.

The Evangelist
December 29, 2022
From Agency Report

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said his country’s military is working on new plans to cut off supplies of weapons and ammunition sent from abroad for the Ukrainian forces.

During an interview on Russian television on Wednesday, Lavrov said there were calls among military experts to interrupt supply routes channelling weapons from the West to Ukraine.

“We observe that Ukraine is receiving more and more and better Western weapons,” Lavrov said. “Railway lines, bridges and tunnels” are being considered, he said.

“I assume that they will make professional decisions on how to make these deliveries more difficult or, ideally, stop them altogether,” he added.

Lavrov said Russian attacks on Ukraine’s infrastructure, such as the country’s energy grid, were already making it more difficult to deliver new weapons.

“And I am convinced that there are other plans being applied in this regard,” he added.

The foreign minister also said he was convinced that Moscow would achieve its goals in Ukraine thanks to its “patience” and “perseverance”.

“I am convinced that thanks to our perseverance, patience and determination, we will defend the noble goals that are vital for our people and our country,” he said.

Lavrov said while Moscow wanted the conflict to be over, Russia would take its time to achieve its goals on the battlefield.

“We are in no hurry,” he said.

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