
Nigeria Has World-class Talents To Dominate Digital Economy – Osinbajo

The Evangelist edition
October 11, 2022
By Amos KALU

Vice President Yemi Osinbajo said Nigeria has the requisite talents, creativity, and acumen to become a world leader in the digital economy.

The VP made the comment on Monday at the Nigeria Digital Economy Summit (NDES) themed “Web 3.0, Blockchain & DeFi: Impact on Africa’s Digital Economy”.

Osinbajo highlighted the future of technology, the digital economy, and what it means globally but especially for Nigeria.

He told the gathering that a new world is unfolding, unlike Web 1 and 2 “where we were relatively disadvantaged”.

Osinbajo recalled when people didn’t have phones and could not take advantage of the reach telecommunication gave digital innovation and financial inclusion.

“We are now better positioned to be significant players in Web 3. We have the talent to build and grow major tech companies.

“At the last count, we have 6 unicorns and many more on the way. But we must spend time on the development of digital skills.”

The VP called for more synergy between the government (public) and the private sector in driving the digital economy revolution.

Osinbajo added that both sectors must find ways to ensure “policy is way ahead for development”.

He confirmed the Government Enterprise Empowerment Programme (GEEP) platform deployed for TraderMoni and MarketMoni was built by a local firm.

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